Best Way To Grind Coffee Beans: The Different Tools and Methods

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The aroma, the kick, and the taste of a good cup of coffee can fire up your energy in an instant. We are no longer at a time where the only way to get one is by purchasing it at a coffee shop.

Today, it is now possible to get the same quality taste and experience on your own. The secret is finding a way to grind high-quality coffee beans perfectly before brewing them. If you are looking for the best way to grind coffee beans, we discussed the different coffee grinding methods in detail below.

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    Best Way To Grind Coffee Beans

    A good cup of coffee is a result of different factors combined. While the coffee to water ratio and bean quality are essential, the coffee grind matters too.

    When grinding coffee, it is essential to know your desired use and size. These two play a huge part in determining your coffee’s taste.

    Regardless of your level of coffee enthusiasm, these grinding methods can help you achieve your desired results. 


    These are the most commonly used tools for grinding coffee beans. Each type has a unique mechanism, feature, and price point.

    Learn about each one and determine which type is suitable for you.

    Burr Grinders

    Any coffee enthusiast will tell you that the best way to grind coffee is to use burr grinders. They work by pulverizing coffee beans. 

    This machine uses plates or burrs to turn the beans into uniform-sized coffee grinds. Using this needs no heat and friction, thereby leaving you with nothing but the perfect grind.

    As you learn about burr grinders, you will come across two types: the flat and conical burr grinder. A flat burr grinder has two flat plates or burrs that press onto each other to pulverize coffee beans.

    On the other hand, the conical burr grinder has one cone-shaped burr and one flat burr or plate. This is generally more expensive than the flat one.

    • Flat vs. Conical Burr Grinder

    Choosing between the two will depend on your priority. If you want an economical way to grind your coffee, then the flat burr grinder will do. Those who can spend more for better quality coffee go for the conical burr grinder.

    This type can pulverize the beans in a larger area at a slower pace. This method also produces less heat, which retains the coffee bean’s freshness.

    How To Use:
    1. Check manufacturer’s instructions on setting different modes. 
    2. Try the setting made for the grinding needed for your desired coffee taste. 
    3. Make adjustments as you go. 

    Blade Grinders

    The difference between a blade grinder and a burr grinder would be their mechanism to grind coffee beans. A blade grinder uses fast-moving blades to make coffee grounds.

    The time you grind your beans will determine how fine or coarse they will be. Since these can chop up coffee beans, they come with repercussions.

    The process of the blade moving can produce heat from friction. This instigates the breaking down of the coffee beans even before brewing.

    Another one would be that the blades can result in uneven coffee ground sizes. Having large and small grounds brewed in one go can result in over-extracted and under-extracted coffee.

    To put it simply, your cup of coffee will not taste as good as you want it.

    How To Use:

    1. Pour the beans into the blade grinder’s reservoir and put the top back.
    2. Press the button or put pressure on the top to ignite the blade movement.
    3. Observe grinding levels as you use them and make adjustments as necessary.
    4. Avoid pressing and holding the button for a long time because it can destroy the coffee beans.
    5. Perform the grinding in short bursts to avoid overheating.
    6. You can shake the grinder from time to time to facilitate a more consistent grinding.
    7. Learn about the different grind types and the measurements and timing needed to achieve them.
    best way to grind coffee beans at home

    Alternative Grinding Methods

    While the proper grinding appliances are ideal, there are instances where they may not be available. In this case, you have to use other means of grinding.

    Here are a couple of items that you can pick up from your kitchen. 


    While blenders can break down coffee beans, never assume that they can grind them in a uniform size. Blender settings can vary. Some have a grind option, while others rely on the pulse setting.

    Since the mechanism of grinding produces heat, you should take your time with every pulse.

    How To Use:

    1. Choose the “grinder” or “medium-high” option.
    2. Ideally, you can put ¼ to ½ cup of coffee beans.
    3. Pour it into the blender and close the lid.
    4. Start grinding the beans with a time frame of three to five seconds.
    5. Repeat this process up to six times within 30 seconds.
    6. Tilting the blender while grinding is necessary to facilitate more consistent grinding.

    Food Processor

    Another kitchen staple, the food processor, is a good way to grind your coffee beans. However, you must set your expectations as this does not guarantee the best result. The process is similar to how you use a blender.

    How To Use:

    1. Ideally, you can put ½ to one cup of coffee beans.
    2. Pour it into the food processor and secure the lid.
    3. With a time frame of three to five seconds, grind the beans in the pulse setting.
    4. Repeat the procedure until you get the consistency you want, but stay within the 30-second limit.
    5. Tilt the food processor for better consistency.

    Rolling Pin

    It’s hard to imagine grinding coffee beans with a rolling pin, but it is possible.

    People usually use this for coarse grounds. 

    If you need to have fine grounds, expect to have a labor-intensive session. 

    How To Use:

    1. Place the coffee beans in a bag, then seal it. Ziploc bags are great options. 
    2. Remove air in the bag and place it on a flat surface.
    3. Start driving the rolling pin over the bag while applying pressure in a gentle but firm manner.
    4. After a few rolls, gather the beans in one clump in the middle, then repeat the process.
    5. Continue grinding until you get your desired consistency.

    Mortar and Pestle

    Another labor-intensive method of grinding coffee beans is through a mortar and pestle. As for consistency, it has the same ground quality as those produced by rolling pins. Still, it’s possible to create smaller grounds if necessary.

    If you need finer grounds for your French press, drip coffee, or Chemex, you can utilize this technique.

    How To Use:

    1. Fill ¼ of a small mortar with coffee beans. If you are using a larger mortar, you can fill it up to ⅓.
    2. Place the pestle on your dominant and strong hand and use the other hand for support.
    3. Apply force as you press the mortar down onto the coffee beans.
    4. Use a motion like how you use a hammer initially, then transition to a swirling movement.
    5. Gather them into the middle part from time to time for more effective grinding.
    6. Do this procedure until you get the consistency you want.


    If you can’t find any other tool to ground your coffee in your kitchen, you can resort to your toolbox. A hammer can also ground your beans quickly but will not give you consistency in size. When using this, you need to regulate your pressure to avoid popping the bag.

    How To Use:

    1. Place your coffee beans in a plastic bag or a Ziploc.
    2. Start pulverizing the beans by putting the hammer over them and pressing them down firmly. You should not strike the beans as to how you would do to a nail.
    3. An organized way of doing it will be moving the crushed coffee beans to the side as you go.
    4. Do this until you reach the consistency of your choice.

    The Bottomline

    Grinding coffee can be done in various methods. You can use any tool or appliance in your home. However, it is vital to know the proper and best way to grind coffee beans.

    Consistency and proper grind size play a significant impact on your coffee’s flavor and quality. In the absence of a proper grinder, choose the method that will suit you well.

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